WordPress Text To Speech TTS Plugin

GSpeech TTS - Implementation Guide


GSpeech is a leading modern Text To Speech WordPress Plugin, which uses Google Technology to generate the best audio and works on all devices and browsers! With 65+ available languages your site will be available to larger audiences worldwide. Commercial versions of this free text-to-speech WordPress plugin are using the Best human-like AI Voices, to make it even more comfortable to consume your content and better serve your customers. Adding text-to-speech features will boost your siteโ€™s SEO rankings and increase your traffic and sales.

Thank you for taking an interest in the GSpeech TTS - WordPress text to speech plugin. In this manual, weโ€™ll walk you through how to install and use the plugin on your website.

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๐ŸŽฌ Video Tutorial

๐Ÿ“š Installation

First, log into your WordPress dashboard and click on โ€œPlugins->Add New Pluginโ€:

Search for โ€œGSpeechโ€ in the search console in the top right. You will now see the GSpeech plugin below. Click on "Install Now" button:

And the button would change to โ€œActivateโ€. Click on it and wait for success feedback from WordPress.
Also you can Download the package, and manualy upload it.
Now you will see the "GSpeech" menu on left menus panel:

๐Ÿ“š Configuring the plugin

GSpeech can be used in two modes, GSpeech 2.X mode, and Cloud Console mode.

๐Ÿ“š GSpeech 2.X mode

When using in 2.X mode, it will show the speaker icon once user highlights any text on the site.

To use in 2.X mode, go to GSpeech->GSpeech 2.X.
Set the "Use 2.X Version" to "Yes", and choose the website default language, and click "Save":

To configure the styles, go to "Styles" tab. You can choose one of 50+ speaker icons, and configure all colors there. The default player is using "Style 2":

๐Ÿ“š GSpeech Cloud Console

GSpeech Cloud Console is the last generation of our product, which allows to use the best AI voices, real-time translate audio content to 65+ languages.
It supports multiple player types:

  • Full Page Player
  • Button Player
  • Circle Player
  • Read Highlighted Text(RHT) Player
  • Welcome Messages

You can check them on demo page.

๐Ÿ“š Activation

To use it, you need to activate the Cloud Console.
Please go to "GSpeech->Cloud Console". Choose site default language, your password, and click "Activate":

๐Ÿ“š Cloud Settings

After activation, you will be redirected to settings page. Main settings are seperated into several tabs.

General Tab: Here you control the main settings:

  • Language - Your website main language. It will be used as default value for all audio widgets.
  • Plan - By default you are on Free Plan. Migrating to commercial plans is being made here, in one click.
  • Status - Published, Unpublished.
  • Lazy Loading - If turned on, GSpeech will not affect page loading time at all.
  • Reload Session - Turn this on to update autentication tokens, when you reactivate cloud console.
  • Voice - Default voice. It is being used as default value for all audio widgets.
  • Voice Speed - Available for AI voices only.
  • Voice Pitch - Available for AI voices only.
  • Voice Panel - Shows voice panel in the players, and gives users apportunity to choose desired voice.

Player Tab: Here you control player settings:

  • Appear Animation - How the player should appear.
  • Speed Panel - Shows Speed control.
  • Volume Panel - Shows Volume control.
  • Text Panel - Opens Text Panel, and highlights the part of text, which is being red.
  • Download Panel - Shows download icon in player, to download mp3 file.
  • Plays Count - Shows the count certain player played.

Translation Tab: here you specify the list of languages and voices for each language. It shows the globe icon in the player, which opens list of languages.

Custom Code: here you can write custom css or javascript.

Aliases: For example you need AI to be read as Artificial Intelligence. Just add the line: ai:artificial intelligence.

Now let's walk you through different player types! They are being controled via audio widgets. Each of player has it's widget there.

๐Ÿ“š RHT(Read Highlighted Text) Player

The Read Highlighted Text(RHT) Player allows users to listen to any selected text on the site. It is very nice accessibility feature for any website!

To manage it, go to "Widgets->RHT Player":

You will see the list of all options there, seperated by tabs.

General Tab: here you control general configuration.

  • Title - name of widget. Used only on dashboard.
  • Status - Published, Unpublished.
  • Use custom language/voice? - If disabled, it uses the global values specified in Settings section. You can use custom values here.
  • Multiple voices - Shows voice panel in the player, and gives apportinity to choose different voices.

Content Tab: here you control content configuration.

  • Title Text - Title of player, which is visible when user hovers it.
  • Allowed Urls - Specify urls, where this player should be active. By default it is active on all pages. You can insert one url per row. You can use asterisk, to match any character. For example you need it to be active on all blog pages, you can write https://example.com/blog/* .
  • Blocked Urls - Specify urls, where this player should be hidden.

Player Tab: Same as under Cloud Settings Player Tab, but gives you apportunity to use custom values. For example if the volume panel is enabled by default, but you wish to show for this player.

Texts Tab: Control all the texts in the player:

Design Tab: Control the look of the player, with live preview:

  • Preview - Real time see the look of player.
  • Template - Choose one of 16 beautiful color schemes.
  • Block View - RHT player view. View 2 and View 3 have the Language and Text panels iexpanded.
  • Icon Position - Left/Right. The TTS icon position, which informs about TTS service active on the website.
  • Top Offset - Offset of that icon.
  • Show Banner - Show/Hide TTS illustration banner, which informs how can users use it.
  • Banner Position - Where to show the banner.
  • Banner Close Event - Show banner anytime, or hide during session.

Aliases: Same as for Cloud Settings Aliases, but only for this player.

๐Ÿ“š Full Page Player

The GSpeech Full Page Player is full size text to audio player with powerful features:

๐Ÿ“š Full Page Player - Shortcode

To insert Full Page Player anywhere in content, use [gspeech] Shortcode.
To manage Full Page Player inserted via shortcode, go to "Widgets->Full Page Player - Shortcode":

It will open all the options, seperated by tabs.

General Tab: here you control general configuration.

  • Title - name of widget. Used only on dashboard.
  • Shortcode - Shortcode to insert anywhere in content.
  • Custom Html - Also can be inserted via html.
  • Status - Published, Unpublished.
  • Use custom language/voice? - If disabled, it uses the global values specified in Settings section. You can use custom values here.
  • Multiple voices - Shows voice panel in the player, and gives apportinity to choose different voices.

Content Tab: here you control content configuration.

  • Content Selector - Specify the elemenets HTML values, which content should be included in audio. Seperate with coma(,).
    Example: article,section,#my_id,.my_class.
    Use parent_class, which is the default value, to get the content of parent element, where it inserted.
  • Render Element - It should be .gsp_full_player for this audio widget.
  • Render Position - Not needed for shortcode.
  • Exclude List - Specify the elemenets HTML values, which should not be read. Seperate with coma(,). Example: #element_id,.element_class.
  • Title Selector - If you need the title of player to be the title of your article, specify it's HTML value here. Example: h1. Leave it empty, when using Title Text.
  • Title Text - The title of player.
  • Content Text - if you wish this player to read only certaing content, specify it here.
  • Allowed Urls - Not needed for shortcode.
  • Blocked Urls - Not needed for shortcode.

Player Tab: here you control player configuration. It is the same as under Cloud Settings Player Tab, but gives you apportunity to use custom values.

  • Auto Load - Automatically generates the audio, once the page is loaded, without clicking the play button. Should be used with caution, because it can cause a high characters usage.

Texts Tab: Control all the texts in the player:

Design Tab: Control the look of player:

  • Preview - Real time see the look of player.
  • Template - Choose one of 16 beautiful color schemes.
  • BG Theme - Backgound styling of the player.
  • Width - Width of the player. Can be in percenets, or pixels.
  • Margin - Top/Bottom - Top and Bottom margin of player.

Aliases: Same as for Cloud Settings Aliases, but only for this player.

๐Ÿ“š Full Page Player - Multi-Page

This audio widget can be used, to render player on multiple pages automatically.
To manage Full Page Player - Multi-Page widget, go to "Widgets->Multi-Page(Full Page Player)":

It will open all the options, seperated by tabs. They are the same as for the Full Page Player - Shortcode. So we will not discuss all the options, check the section above. We will discuss options related to this widget only.
It is unpublished by default, first you need to publish it.
General Tab:

  • Status - To activate it set to Published.

Content Tab:

  • Content Selector - Specify the elemenets HTML values, which content should be included in audio. Seperate with coma(,).
    Example: article,section,#my_id,.my_class.
    Use self_class, which is the default value, to get the content of the element, where it is inserted.
  • Render Element - By default it has the value: .entry-content,.post-content,.post_content,.post,.blog,.blog-body,.content,.section,article . If you content is using a special class name, place it here.
  • Render Position - After or Before the content.
  • Exclude List - Specify the elemenets HTML values, which should not be read. Seperate with coma(,). Example: #element_id,.element_class.
  • Title Selector - If you need the title of player to be the title of your article, specify it's HTML value here. Example: h1. Leave it empty, when using Title Text.
  • Title Text - The title of player.
  • Content Text - if you wish this player to read only certaing content, specify it here.
  • Allowed Urls - Specify urls, where this player should be active. By default it is active on all pages. You can insert one url per row. You can use asterisk, to match any character. For example you need it to be active on all blog pages, you can write https://example.com/blog/* .
  • Blocked Urls - Specify urls, where this player should be hidden. If you wish to hide it on homepage, place the url of homepage here.

The other tabs options are the same as for Full Page Player - Shortcode, so check the section above.

๐Ÿ“š Button Player

The GSpeech Button Player is a audio player in button style, with powerful options panel, which is being opened onclick of dots icon:

To insert Button Player anywhere in content, use [gspeech-button] Shortcode.
To manage Button Player inserted via shortcode, go to "Widgets->Button Player - Shortcode":

It will open all the options, seperated by tabs.
Structure here is the same as for Full Page Player - Shortcode, so please check the section above.
The difference is in Design Tab, where you control the color scheme of Button Player.
Design Tab:

  • Preview - Real time see the look of player.
  • Template - Choose one of 16 beautiful color schemes.
  • Width - Width of the player. Can be in percenets, or pixels.
  • Margin - Top/Bottom - Top and Bottom margin of player.

The other options are the same, as for Full Page Player - Shortcode, so please check the section above.

๐Ÿ“š Circle Player

If you have any issues, just contact us.

๐ŸŽฌ GSpeech Full Page Player - Paid version - Video Tutorial
๐ŸŽฌ GSpeech RHT Player - View 1,2,3 - Video Tutorial