
Create a Full Player

Allow your users to listen to the content of pages via full-page player.

With GSpeech you can auto-convert content into engaging audio.

GSpeech create a Full Page Player
  • Sign into your GSpeech account (don't have one? Create your free account).
  • Go to your dashboard, choose your website. If you don't have one, see create a website.
  • From left menus, choose 'Widgets', then 'Add new widget'.
  • Enter a title (this is mainly for reference, appear only on dashboard).
  • Choose type to 'Full Player'.
  • Click 'Create'.
  • Go to 'Content' tab.
  • As a 'Content Selector' value you need to specify the list of elements(html values), which content should be read. You can seperate them with coma(,).
    Feel free to contact us if you have difficulities finding the selector.
  • As a 'Render Element' value you need to specify the element, which contains the player.
    Feel free to contact us if you have difficulities finding the element.
  • Specify the 'Title Text' (optional). It will be shown at the top of player. You can use 'Title Selector' instead, to use dynamic value as the title.
  • Click 'Save' to save the widget.
GSpeech a Full Page Playe - Paid version - using Google Translate Power